The Vallone Loddiero is a sort of "geological book" that allows to understand the complex stratification of this area, in which the alternation of calcarenitic deposits and volcanic products is characteristic, including the showy formations of "pillow" lava ( pillow lavas).
Also this valley is dug by a river, the Loddiero torrent, and has the morphology "a canyon".
The name "loddiero" derives from the Arabic toponym ad-dyar, which means houses, to indicate the custom at the entrance, that is to say the dwelling in a cave.
Here around, as indeed in the whole area of Militello and degli Iblei, one can admire numerous artificial caves, used for funerary and residential purposes for millennia.
The Vallone, where the Loddiero and the Carcarone flow together, extends over the territory bordering Militello and Scordia: here the valley widens, thanks to a greater softness of the rock and the consequent greater work of modeling the waters.
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