There are few areas in Lazio region (and in Italy) that have the concentration of hotels that Fiuggi has, especially of very high-quality facilities.
After the crisis in spa tourism, which was partly financed by public medical care, many hoteliers closed but those who remained became truly excellent. The 4-star hotels in Fiuggi are a point of reference for those seeking physical well-being.
At the same time, the nearby cities of art (such as Anagni or Paliano), which had seen tourism reduced to daily visitors, have now become sought-after weekend destinations for tourists looking for experiences that include physical, spiritual, artistic and naturalistic well-being.
Today Fiuggi is being reborn together with the famous Palazzo Fiuggi, which has brought extremely high-level guests such as Oprah Winfrey with her posts on Ciociaria , to the new entrepreneurial team of the Acque Fiuggi system, to the modernization of the golf course (https://golfclubfiuggi1928.it ) and the next opening of a large conference center.
Not to mention the close relationship between Fiuggi, Ferentino and the Frosinone football team (https://www.frosinonecalcio.com) which today plays in Serie A (italian premiere league) and together with its prestigious football school is raising the quality of the sports facilities in the area. A mixture of direct interventions and an emulation process that is raising the level of local facilities and sports professionals.
Personally I would also talk about the wine sector, the presence of new businesses in the Cesanese DOCG area and the opening of wineries (like ours at Donna Vittori www.donnavittori.com) has led to great interest among food and wine tourists in our area too .

But if each of us can host a few tourists, Fiuggi with its hotel system, its excellent hotel school (IPSSOA http://www.alberghierofiuggi.it/1/) and the conference center can be an incredible accelerator of the tourist development of the 'Upper Ciociaria.
For this reason, Confindustria organized the very interesting conference "Fiuggi, city of well-being" where we were able to listen to the vision of the territory directly from the protagonists who work every day to realize it.
In addition to the host Gianfranco Battisti, members of the ATF – Acque Terme Fiuggi (https://www.acquafiuggi.com), the presentation was done by one of the owners of Palazzo Fiuggi, the mayor Alioska Baccarini and Paolo Novi of the DMO Alta Ciociaria.
A small aside, the choice to have Paolo Novi arrive as director of the DMO Alta Ciociaria (https://www.altaciociaria.en) was precisely made by some entrepreneurs of 4-star hotels who knew his reputation and knew that he was the unique that could help the growth of other local professionals. As an African proverb says: "if you want to go fast, walk alone, if you want to go far, go in a group".
And everyone focused on the training of staff and companies operating in the area. Also Lorenzo Giannuzzi, who borrowed his experience of the Forte Village in Sardinia by transforming Palazzo Fiuggi (https://www.palazzofiuggi.com) into an iconic place of well-being: "we have international guests and an average of 3 professionals for each guest. Today the 'Fiuggi method' is recognized as an excellence everywhere". And by the word professional he means specialized doctors but also super professional waiters who know how to welcome their guests in the right way.
At the end of the event Miriam Diurni, president of Unindustria Frosinone, recalled how the decline of Fiuggi coincided with the decline of a generation of industrialists who were unable to renew themselves. Today the protagonists are new entrepreneurs, most of whom come from the area and love it deeply, who start from a vision to arrive at a real Industrial Plan for tourism in Fiuggi and high Ciociaria.
In viticulture as in sport, excellence has been achieved with new investors who have been able to combine professionalism, love and foresight. If Fiuggi returns to its splendor in all its magnificence, as was illustrated to us by the direct protagonists of the change, then the whole of High Ciociaria - Alta Ciociaria will benefit greatly.
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