Oven grave
The most ancient testimony of life in the area of Cellino San Marco is from a tomb dating back to 2.000-1.800 BC The tomb was dug out of the nearby tuff rock (hence its name "oven") in the Li Veli district and consisted of three cells of different sizes and placed at different heights.
Roman coins
The testimony of the passage of the Romans who had brought to Brindisi the end of the Via Appia, the queen of the consular roads, and the port of embarkation for all the East is given by some Roman coins that are often found in the countryside.
It is certain that the Romans had built their villas, or settlements that we could define as "agricultural factories" where the fields were cultivated, the products of the land were transformed and where the farmers slept.
Perhaps some of today's farms were born just on top of ancient Roman villas.
Cellino San Marco. Roman coins and oven graves
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- PUGLIA • BRINDISI • Cellino San Marco
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