One of the best Italian cultivars, a territory with a strong olive-growing vocation and a family passion. This is the synthesis of Cori's Itrana de I Lori Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
The company and the plantations are organically grown on trees that tell the history of the area and date back to the eighteenth century.
They are located in the heart of Lazio's olive production, at the foot of the Lepini Mountains on the slope that slopes towards the plain and the sea. Here the scents of the mountains meet those of the sea and give rise to particular scents.
The oil is produced at the mill immediately after harvesting to enhance the aromas and its nutritional properties. Notes of cut grass combine with those of artichoke and tomato and give richness to the palate and a true taste experience.
Ilori's Itrana EVO Oil has received many regional awards and Gambero Rosso in 2018 awarded it the three leaves as one of the best Italian oils.
Poetry and technology, ancient craftsmanship and a look to the future: these are the secrets of this company led by Roberto Palombelli.
Itrana oil is a real delight and is perfect to be enjoyed raw or to finish dishes by adding a note of taste to meat and fish.
Azienda Agricola Ilori
Via Provinciale Cori-Norma
04010 Cori – LT
Tel 328 2856 518
Fb azienda Agricola I Lori
Sito Web
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