"Museikè", the museum of musical instruments in Artena Sorani Category: Galleries & Museums 14 March 2018 Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2sThe palace of the Ex Granaio Borghese (former Bourgeois Barn) of Artena has been enriched with a new museum of musical instruments and a place...
Discovering Torre Baccelli on the Farfa river at Fara in Sabina Plos Category: Parks & Gardens 04 January 2018 LAZIO • RIETI • Fara in Sabina Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2sIn Sabina to discover the Farfa river, an interesting and very famous river whose course offers continuous surprises including the Baccelli Tower in...
History through keys, padlocks and locks in antiquity Terriaca Category: Galleries & Museums 03 January 2018 LAZIO • ROMA • Albano Laziale Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2sA visit to the Archaeological Museum of Albano Laziale reveals many small surprises from a careful look at unusual details such as those on ancient...
Along the Cremera and the Torraccia gorge in Formello Plos Category: Parks & Gardens 03 January 2018 LAZIO • ROMA • Formello Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2sWe are in the Park of Vejo along the course of the Cremera river, the magical tributary of the Tiber that we will travel from its sources and then...
The wondrous red sulphur lake of Pomezia Plos Category: Parks & Gardens 02 January 2018 LAZIO • ROMA • Pomezia Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2sWho knows the red lake inside the Sulphur lands of Pomezia? Very few, probably. Well, there is a partially reddened lake because of particular...
The small tunnels, the aqueducts and the Etruscan Tunnels of Formello Plos Category: Parks & Gardens 12 December 2017 LAZIO • ROMA • Formello Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2sThe underground tunnels, aqueducts and large Etruscan tunnels are among the secret places to be discovered within walking distance of Rome. The...
Pontinia 'Park of the Continents' reveals itself Eotvos Category: Parks & Gardens 29 November 2017 LAZIO • LATINA • Pontinia Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s"Ever since I was a child, I liked trees, plants, and especially flowers. It was my mother who started this passion in me. And I remember that as a...
The Secret of the "Anthill” Monasteries Giuliani Category: Art & Architecture 27 November 2017 Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2sThe Middle Ages was a time when towns and people were besieged. For this reason, the monasteries were fortified citadels and grew to the maximum,...
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